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Entries in Weight Watchers (36)


The Return of the Points

I joined Weight Watchers last week. This is only the second time I have joined and last time I lost 36 lbs so I have had a good track record. The reason I quit before was the meetings. The meetings can be awful.

I remember there was a lady that made her goal weight and everyone was cheering her on. Someone asked her how much weight she had lost to which the lady replied, 17 pounds. “oh well that is not that much” said the lady who needed to lost much more.

The instructor said, “Do not punish her because she had the desire to handle her weight problem before it got completely out of control.” Which I loved! BUT it was just not the kind of people I wanted to share about my life with.

The 15 point icing on the cake was when my weight loss was “easier because you are a man,” comment. Screw that.

Anyhow this new place is good and frankly, I can deal with the attitude if I have to. I want to lose weight so I will put up with whatever crap I have to.

I think I will also include you all in my weight loss. No, I am not gonna post my weight because I don’t think your monitor could handle that kind of number but I will let you know that after one week I have lost 2.8 lbs! Nice.

And if that lady who said that it is easier for men to lose weight is reading this then she needs to know that my wife lost more then I did so, HA!

On a side note I believe with a little more tweaking I will have my basal rates down. Those lows were effing scary last week but I am getting them under control. Thanks for all of your comments and suggestions. They have truly helped.

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