525,600 Minutes
It was 365 days ago that I decided to begin blogging. It all started as a place for family and friends to see my progress as I tried to make some changes in my life. Get more exercise. Try to be a little more in control of my diabetes. Lose some weight.
And then it happened.
I got a comment from some dude named Scott!
I remember thinking, "That is crazy. Why would anyone who didn't know me comment on my blog or even want to read it?"
So then I clicked on his name and read his post. Then I clicked on a few of the blogs linked on his blog. And then it all made sense to me. I understood why.
That is what this year of blogging has taught me. That community is so important to handle difficult tasks in life. A group of people lifting each other up and cheering one another on is vital in this journey. It is hard to imagine where I would be had I not started blogging and reading and meeting (virtually) all of you.
Many people do not understand blogging. They think it is a self glorifying, conceited thing but they are missing the point entirely. If they just opened themselves up and let loose all of the frustrations and anxieties they have then they may find that they are not alone. They may find a community that understands their situation.
That is what happened to me and it has been wonderful! Not in a "misery loves company" sort of way but more of a "I understand completely" way that people without diabetes (or without diabetes in their lives) cannot get.
I truly believe that the OC saved my life. All of your kind words and ideas gave me tools to take better care of myself. Both mental and physical. I wish I could fly all around the world and meet each and every one of you. Hopefully this lottery ticket on my desk will allow me to do just that!
All of you mean so much to me. I hope I can cheer you along and be there for you in your journey.
I know I am not the most eloquent writer. Definitely not the most informative. Probably the silliest, though. So thank you for reading this slice of my life and hopefully sticking with me for another 525,600 minutes.
The B.A.D. Guy
aka Super George
Reader Comments (23)
Happy D-Birthday man!
It's been a blast for me so far, loving all that you share, laughing hysterically at the funny stories, and planning our last days in that retirement home.
Wouldn't miss it for the world.
Count me as a loyal reader for as long as you keep blogging.
Thanks for adding your voice and support to the community.
Happy Anniversary, and thank you for sharing with humor and honesty your own stories about diabetes and life. You're appreciated.
Happy blog birthday George! May you have many many more :)
Happy blog-birthday to you, happy blog-birthday to you...
And you're absolutely right about community. That's the best part of blogging.
Happy Blogoversary, or something! :)
Congrats on the first full year! I've really enjoyed reading your blog and am looking forward to more!
George - I TOTALLY agree with you about how the OC is a community of people. It is a special community of people who care and who understand. This means so very much to you and to me too! I am with you 100%. I kind of think that this community has to be made of very special people. The fact that people you have never met can mean so very much is kind of strange and overwhelming, but lets just be happy! It does sort of make one like mankind a little bit more..... Maybe people are really not so bad, hopeless, stupid....
Excellent post, George. I think you are VERY eloquent. And I couldn't agree more. Thanks for being a linchpin in the OC.
Happy Blog-Birthday, my friend.
You are a crucial part of this community and I can't imagine it without your voice (and stories, and silliness, and insight, and everything else).
It's a pleasure to call you a friend, SuperG. :)
All the best for Year Two!
-- Kerri.
Happy blog anniversary Super G!
Even if you don't think of yourself as much of a writer, I think you put it just right describing what the OC is, and why so many of us appreciate having found it!
Keep blogging dude, and I'll keep reading :o)
Happy Anniversary! (to the tune of some Ren and Stimpy song!) I have been blessed with your blog. I'm sure others feel the same way!
Congrats on surviving all of us for a whole year. You have so much to offer the community and I think we have all been blessed by knowing you. Can't wait to see the antics you will come up with in year two.
Oh and by the way, I think your original goal of doing better with your diabetes, You have rocked with that.
I'm sorry I missed your chat the other day, but happy blogbday to you, my friend. It sucks that we all have diabetes, but I'm glad it's brought us together.
We love you George!! That song makes me wanna just start bawling.
Happy first blog-o-versery.
Every minute has been well worth it, reading your excellent posts.
Rock on George!
Happy Anniversary ... and like everyone else has said, I absolutely love reading your stuff ... so you better not quit anytime soon (ok so maybe everyone else didn't say exactly that ... but it's close) :-D
Happy Blog-Birthday!
I love your blog most of all for honesty.
Thank you all so much. You guys are awesome!
Hello!! I guilty for only leaving comments on Delurking week!! I visit your blog often and ENJOY!! I especially love the meter pic, I still laugh when I think of that :) Here's to 2007!! All the best....and I promise not to wait until 12 months from now to leave a comment! Take care!
Thanks for being here.
Happy first Birthday!
Wow whatta love fest going on in here ;-)
Happy d-blog-iversary! Eloquent writer or not, the honesty and and the humor is what keeps me reading.