You Tube Tuesday #9

I have not posted in a while and I promise to explain why next week. I am a busy bee! But there was no way I could neglect a You Tube Tuesday.
This week’s video is another Cat video. But this is so cute, I just had to share it with you all. Please let me know what you think.
Also, I would love to know how many people stop by for YTT. So please, come out of the shadows and let me know you are watching!
Reader Comments (15)
That's something my cat would do. She hits things flying around on the television, too!
SuperG, you need to get a kitty. :)
Time to get a cat!
That was adorable - made me wish for a kitty myself.
Coming out of lurkdom - somewhat - to let you know I still read and am still around :)
Our cat has only struck the TV on two occasions...once during a Lewis Black comedy special and once when we were playing Pong.
I'm not sure what that means. :)
This video was adorable...just the thing to brighten a dulled-by-bad-blood-sugars kind of day.
That was so cute!!!
You obviously are a cat lover. This weeks was cute!
Keep up the YTT!
De-lurking to say I stop by for YTT (a good laugh) and for the blog (a good read). :)
I love YTT (although I cannot play them at work because we have some filter-thingy that prevents it).
Poor kitty - trying to get in there. I hope there weren't too many claw marks on the screen.
We used to tie a red bandana over our 21 pound Siamese's head and watch him walk into walls. It was a great source of entertainment and he did't seem to mind all that much.
George!! I'm watching!! Yippie!
I did not get the kitty upgrade option with my macbook - I think they only come with the macbook pros....:)
Also delurking temporarily to say I watch YTT.
I can't imagine my cat doing that - I think she would probably igonre the screen and sleep on the keyboard
I'm here :) and wondering if you've seen the video of Nora the piano playing cat. If not, go have a look, it's cute!
Oh, I'm not only watching, I'm also reading and not only on Tuesdays :)
The video is great! My cat would do the same if I'd let him. I also liked a lot the video with a cat and the water.
You know I'm a reader man.
Like MN I can't see them from work either so I have to wait until I come home.
I stop by more often than that...I just don't comment very often. You do find some great kitty videos!