Bernard Discovered What is Wrong With My Foot
Wednesday, May 9, 2007 at 2:49PM
You will never believe what the problem is.
Be careful, it could happen to you too!!!
Thanks Bernard. ROFLMAO!!
Reader Comments (14)
You're welcome George
I hope it gave you a brief smile.
Now, how do you get rid of something like that? :-)
Oh for pity damn sake. I am splitting a gut and laughing so hard that people on the street are looking toward the open window by my desk.
That Bernard is certainly a rascal!!!
That stubble is definitely the culprit. Get that thing off your foot,'ll be feeling fine in no time.
I really hope you find relief soon.
Oh, dood, you caught that pesky plantar scottjohsnonitus virus. Nasty stuff. Very stubborn.
So you need a scottectomy, I think. If there's a meter attached to that thing it could be causing all the trouble.
Here's hoping you feel better!
Am I the only one that kinda feels bad for Scott?! :)
Just kidding - hope your foot feels better soon!
That's great!! Scott must realize by now that he's a celebrity.
Damn that must hurt!! I have to say, I've never had one of those before myself - but I can only imagine...
ROFL ... you guys crack me right up!
Yep, that shit will get you every time.
They are very persistent and hard to remove. Tough little buggers. I get them ALL the time. Usually on my face though...
And they are impossible to remove permanently. Kind of like herpes. There for life... I hear that they are working on a pill for it.
Well, the treatment should be easy then. Can't you just flick it until it falls off?
How did the endo visit go? Well, I hope.
You've got to check those feet daily to make sure things like that don't get stuck to them and cause infection!!
LOL!!! You've contracted Scott-Foot. Keep putting on the ointment and you'll eventually be Scott-Free. (hee hee)