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The Full Tank

Is it just me or do you feel like you can take on the world when you have a battery and a set change on the same day? Of course this is an insulin pumpers question but if not I am sure you can relate.

Doesn’t your car feel like it runs better when the tank is full? Doesn’t the first glass of milk from a new gallon taste the best? Well for some reason when I look at my pump screen and see a full reservoir and a full battery indicator I feel like I can take on any carb you can throw at me!

It was actually an eventful morning because of all this crap but I wrote that story on Blogabetes post. You can check that out there if you want. The link on the right will get you to it easily.

In fact, I want to mention something about Blogabetes. Although I write on that site, I hope none of you think I will stop or write less here because of dLife. That is not the case. I would never have been considered for that project had it not been for The B.A.D. blog and all of you!

Plus, I cannot drop an “F-Bomb” there but I can here! HA HA!

Reader Comments (6)

Hey, I just did the double fill yesterday!

Although my status screen only says MiniMed (curse the 512).

January 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSara

Aw, it's been a long while since you've dropped the F-Bomb!

Yikes--you had a rough morning, but you made it through.
I do think it's a good feeling to be on full with batteries, insulin, supplies and yes, the gas tank, too!

:) We love ya!

January 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmylia

Fuck. It's nice to leave an f-bomb in the comment section.

I love when Brendon's set is changed, and he's showered. I can relax and feel refreshed. I know what you're talking about even thought I'm not on the pump. It's the process of everything being new and replenished that feels good.

I filled my gas tank yesterday too and feel like I can drive to anywhere in the United States without having the nagging feeling that my tank is running low.

January 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShannon

I went over to blogabetes to read the whole story. What is with these batteries lately? Mine died while I was at work last Friday. What a nightmare! No one at work (including me) had AAAs - only AAs. Ahhh!

Glad you survived the whole ordeal. Oh, I just couldn't change my set without the inserter either. That just creeps me out!

January 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonna

I called my insurance company in December (before my coverage even began) to talk over their benefits. I then called again in January. This, however, I did for my own information. Minimed will do the legwork for you until they receive a denial. Once they receive a denial, they require cash payment until you receive a letter from them stating approval that you can provide to Minimend. They were willing to do the legwork for me twice, because my insurance changed.

January 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMileMasterSarah

Plenty of whammy's to deal with - too many!

I would have done the same thing and left the site in too.

I TOTALLY feel sweet when I've got a full gas tank. And why is it that the last half of the tank never lasts as long as the first half?

And speaking of gas, I think I need to upgrade to one of those hybrids. You know. Like the Flinstones had.


January 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterScott K. Johnson

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