You Tube Tuesday #100 - SPECIAL EDITION!

For the past 99 weeks I featured different video clips on this blog.
This being the 100th week I had to do something different.
Something over the top.
Something special.
Reader Comments (26)
Hey George, I saw about the last 20 seconds of you on Dlife, Sunday night!!
Have a Merry Christmas :)
This is awesome!!!! (Obviously my favorite is Ninja Cat, but I laughed my ass off at all of them. I loved the Dramatic Prairie Dog, Happy/Sad Baby was hysterical and I kept laughing, the "he bit me" skit was very well done with the double-G, and Menudo? Awe. Some.)
You are the King of the Vlogs, my friend. Such an awesome job. YouTube Tuesday will never be the same!!!
you have talents i never thought you had! you are the BEST ninja cat i've ever seen!
i bow in the presence of the master of vlog and YTT!
love ya!
Oh George, that was great!! I'm glad I "know you" man.
Have a great Christmas and I hope your New Year is absolutly magical!!
Me gusta Menudo...! Awesome!
Merry Christmas, George!
Work is driving me nuts right now, so I really needed a laugh. Great stuff!
I lost in on Prairie Dog and I never got it back! You are too much! :D
I am so glad you all like it. Me and the kids have been working on it for a couple of weeks now and I think it came out pretty good.
It was blast making it and it is fun to know you are enjoying it too!
I needed to laugh today - THANKS
Holy Crap that was funny!!! I had the most enormous smile on my face the whole time. I was especially riveted by #2 and slightly petrified. Well done! Merry Christmas to you and yours.
PS - For a "Dog" owner, you do CAT VERY well!
That was THE BEST!
You are a man of many talents.
You're kind of scarily good at mimicking Menudo. I'm just sayin'....
That was hysterical.
Wow, what a treat after a long day at work. Loved it!
HI-LAR-I-OUS!!! I don't think I have laughed that hard in a really long time! AWESOME!
Awesome, dude, pure unadulterated awesome :)
Also, if you were my dad, and these were your normal antics, I'd think you were the best dad ever.
oh. my. goodness.
I don't know what my favorite is between Dramatic Prairie Dog and Charlie Bit me.
That was AWESOME!!!!!!!!
I LOVED the double G-Money Charlie skit. Incredible.
Word verification = "coured". See, it's always an extra "o" somewhere. Damn them. "o's".
That's the most COMPLETELY EXCELLENT thing I have seen in a LOOOONNNNGGG time! Thank you, G. It's just what I needed at this time of year.
Big hugs - lots of love being sent your and your family's way.
No seriously, I haven't laughed that hard in awhile. You, dude are one funny man. In fact, I put it on MY blog...for my readers to see. Everyone needs a good laugh at Christmas time, no? Hope you don't mind. LOL...thanks for the laugh and the images now forever embedded in my mind.
hahahahahhahahhaa....I love and miss you.
sooooo freakin' funny......I almost woke up everyone in the house! You Rock!
*delurks and bows in awe*
you, sir, are the master.
I'll comment when I pull myself together!
How awesome is that!!?? I'm a little late , but seriously, that's one of the funniest things I've seen in so long...I'm DYING over Menudo!!
My wife and I just can't stop watching this man. It is the most excellently awesome thing ever. Puts a smile on our face and fills the room with laughter!