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Corn Festival

Tomorrow is the La Habra Corn Festival Parade, and we are going to be there bright and early.

My son George will be marching in his first parade and as a former Drum Major, I could not be more proud.

I am sure most of you thought your school’s drum major was some total dork who has no friends and would never get married. Well, I am a total dork, that part is true.

George is marching in the second row on the far right so he will be right in front of the judges. I know that we always put the people that could march well and play well along that side of the band so I think he must be doing well.

He keeps practicing the songs they are going to play and he is constantly “marching” around and showing off his ability to “hardly bounce at all!”

He is without a doubt, my son.

I am just very thankful that he involved already with something other then just classes at school. I know for myself, that extra stuff like Band gives you something to look forward too each day besides regular classes. Not to mention, you cannot perform or compete if you do not have good grades. Not that I do not want my kid to enjoy school and his regular subjects. It’s not that at all. It is like the icing on the cake and it changes things up each day.

He is doing great at Cross Country too. I am so impressed with him. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders and a good attitude about things. My wife and I continue to talk to him about everything and stay as close to him as we can for as long as we can. I hope he continues down this path he is on now.

Gillian is a totally different post. She may become president someday.

Reader Comments (7)

Your kids do seem fabulous. Wise beyond their years.

That, my friend, is a credit to their parents. At least partially...


August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterScott K. Johnson

We are so there!!!! (is that why Mr. Whiteman alwasy put me on the left side) J/k. I am so old I remeber my fist corn festival SO LONG AGO!!! love you guys see you tomarrow.


I would vote for her!!

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKristen

With you and your wife as their parents, how could your kids be anything but spectacular?!

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSara

OMG George - in our town the drum major was just as cool as the football hero. They always had many people trying out and shen it was down to the last 3 then the entire band got to vote for their choice. I was so envious of that whistle and baton.
Our band director had a huge ego and would pout for days if we placed poorly in a parade. I thought it should just be more to have fun, but he was discipline all the way.
Do you have like any pics of yourself or yearbook photos that you could put up? I'd love to see you in your uniform.

PS Your family is great too!

PPS The town next to mine had a summer festival called "Corn on the Curb" but it was sort of lame

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMinnesota Nice

I am so sad that I have to miss it this time! :( Tell George that I am thinking of him and to toot his sax for me. My car is still sparkling from his spectacular work last week. OMG! Gillian looks so beautiful in that picture! She WILL be president one day and she has all of our votes!

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermicksmom28

anyone have the lineup? my daughter is doing it with pop warner and I wanted to see where about they are, thanks!!!!!

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMolly

Oh Molly, I wish I knew but I don't. Look for the Ninja and say hi if you see me.

FYI - I will not be in the Mariachi outfit.

August 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGeorge

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