Something New
Monday, December 7, 2009 at 8:54AM
A while back I had a Camouflage skin on Master P (that's the name of my pump BTW), and recently I had a Lakers skin on it.
Well check out this new skin I am currently rocking.
Pretty sweet huh? I made it on What's cool about this site is that they make skins for all kinds of stuff. Laptops, phones, and even some insulin pumps!
So if you have a Minimed pump try making one for yourself. I think it came out pretty cool and at 20.00 it was a nice little present to me.
Check out how the bottom came out. Sweetness.
I must admit, since I have put it on I smile every time I pull my pump out of my pocket. And with the insane highs I have had all weekend, I have needed all the smiles I can get.
Reader Comments (12)
there's none for my animas pump :( i will have to go old skool and just stick some ugly fuzzy dog stickers on it or something.
your's looks cool though :)
I LOVE IT! And I will be following your lead and getting one of my own!
Hang in there with the highs and keep laughing- it lowers your blood sugar!
Kelly K
I love this skin, SuperG. Anything that gives you a grin - go with it!!
That's awesome! I'll have to put something together for my Minimed pump too. :-)
Love this! Kinda makes me wish I rocked a Minimed.
Loving it! I have thought about designing one for Lola (my pump!), but haven't decided what I want on it yet. :)
Look awsome G it really had me crunching and trying to come up with something for my thepoordiabetic blog but without a pump am thinking I can do something on my Iron horse coz it is my biggest Inspiration. I will have it up in a few days.
how cool!!
I want one for my PDM! G- I love it!
MUCH better than that old sticker. ;-)
Dude! That looks awesome!