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The Kenny Vlog

Reader Comments (4)

You sound and look better today - which is good! Grey whiskers and all! :-p

What about walking? Can you get out in the sunshine and walk a bit? Or even in the backyard? I know I am a wreck without the sunshine after a while - maybe that will help things too.

And I hate to say it, but you might need to be a real ass-hole with your doctors office next week. It's totally unacceptable to not get call-backs and stuff. I call bullshit.

August 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScott K. Johnson

And the policy-makers wonder why people use the ER ... hello, when people really do have a medical emergency, it takes 4-5 to actually see someone. My former endo required a 3 MONTH lead time for anything, including Rx refills ... needless to say, I decided it was best to find someone else and I'm pleased I did.

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScott

I'm catching up on stuff I missed. I'm wicked sorry that you are being given the run around by your primary care doctor - they should call you the F back right now and give you that referral without having to pay the copay. Grrr ... this is making me very angry. But I hope you're feeling at least a little bit better every day...

And I saw District 9 today with Chris. Let me know when you see it - I have lots of opinions but don't want to ruin it!!

August 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKerri

I was hoping you'd be feeling much better by now. :( So ticked that you aren't and that your doctor is playing hooky. Grrrr.

I hope you got to see District 9 and that you were able to be comfortable in those movie seats. You'll have to let me know if you liked the movie - Pete was just telling me yesterday that he wants to go see it, but he's afraid I'd find it too scary. (That's right, I'm a wimp. I'm okay with that!!)

August 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

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