The "Ninjabetic Weekend" Post

Trying to figure out how to convey the awesomeness that was last weekend was something I realize I cannot do. I can tell you about my feelings and what happened. Hopefully that will give it the credit it deserves.
Back in April when I decided to do this, the first thing I did was tell Scott. Scott is more than a friend to me. He is family and I knew he would give me some advice as to try and pull this whole “Ninjabetic Weekend” off or not.
He thought it was a cool idea and confirmed his attendance. That was all the motivation I needed.
The goal was to not only celebrate my 20 years survival with Type 1 diabetes, but also to honor those other PWD’s who fight the good fight as well as the JDRF walk.
Scott, Sara, Lee Ann, Melissa, Dayle, Chris, Suzanne, and my Mom all flew out to be here for the party and walk. Many others were trying to get out here but just couldn’t. I was so shocked and felt so much love that I thought I was going to explode.
Suddenly I started seeing names pop up on the Team Ninjabetic site and more and more people were signing up to walk. Family, Friends, co workers, people I knew online, and people I didn’t even know! People from church and even some friends of friends! How about a friend from High School who I just recently reconnected with on Facebook! It was incredible.
The day of the walk was CRAZY! First it was raining which was not a bad thing since it was terribly hot and sticky. We showed up to the walk just after 8 and started handing out shirts to all of the team that was there. More and more people kept coming until we had about 60 walkers in their awesome Team Ninjabetic shirts which were generously donated by Pelagic.
I was spinning around in circles seeing black shirts and people everywhere. I gave hugs to everyone and each hug produced more and more tears. I was emotional and still am about it all.
We walked, talked, laughed, danced, ate, drank lots of beverages, and just enjoyed the day. The walk was fantastic and I can’t wait until next year to do it again.
One highlight of the walk for me was meeting a type 1 named Drew. His mom connected with me and was hoping to find time to meet at the walk. She was going to be walking with a team called Sugar Slayers, who by the way had the coolest shirts and therefore won the T-shirt contest, so made sure we met afterwards to talk.
She introduced me to Drew and I had saved a Team Ninjabetic shirt for him. He seemed to like it and I told him that being diabetic means being almost super human. We have to check our blood, take shots, put in infusion sets, count carbs, listen to our bodies, and do a bunch of stuff people without diabetes don’t have to! I told him that we are like ninja’s because we are awesome for being so much more in tune with our bodies. “That is what being Ninjabetic is,” I told him and gave him his shirt. I hope he really took it to heart because do. It does take some “super powers” to make yourself bleed several times a day.
After the walk we headed over to the hall for the party. Several of the walkers were not able to go which concerned me because I got enough food for 100 people and I didn’t want a house full of leftovers.
Nothing was leftover.
When I got to the park and got out of the car I spotted my cousin Alison and her husband. Alison has always had a special place in my heart because we were close in age growing up which meant at all family function she was apart of the “kid crew” that I was which meant playing together. Her mom, my aunt and God mother was there too which was very touching to me. In fact, you should check out Alison’s blog if you can. Her and her husband are adopting a child and are blogging all about it.
Also before I got inside I was greeted by Chrystal aka Sexy Diabetic. She gave me a big hug and presented a cool gift. She told her followers on Twitter and friends on Tu Diabetes that she was coming to the party and if anyone wanted to send a card, that she would deliver it. She took all of the letters she got and put them on this board with a very cool Ninja in the middle. It was awesome and I love it! Thanks to all of you that sent stuff in and thanks to Chrystal for putting it together.
When I got inside I was shocked to see how full the room was. The band Ugly Nelson was set up and jamming out entertaining everyone. My sister, her husband, and his family was helping put the food out. Jenny aka Wyldceltic on Twitter brought some Nutella and Nilla wafers for everyone. Sandwiches, chips, and fruit were all there for everyone to eat. And eat they did! We had like 2 pieces of ham left at the end which made me so happy. I should mention that Honest Tea sent 10 cases of drinks as a donation for the party. Thank you so much for that!
I had prepared a speech for the event. I would really like for you to check it out. This version was filmed by Suzanne from 1 Happy Diabetic. Thanks for uploading it. Melissa did too but this one seems to not pick up as much of the echo in the room. Thanks Melissa!
Here is the song and I was so happy to have my son singing up there with me. He rocks.
After the song I continued the speech talking about Support and how that the very room we were all in shows the power of support and my diabetes life shows the need for it. That support is available in many places.
Then I put up this slide.
Then I put up this slide.

I have been blessed with friends and family who love, support, and care for me. Without all of you I am not sure I would be in the place I am now. Checking my blood, caring about my health, and counting my carbs.
I ended my speech the only way that seemed approriate.
With a picture of bacon.

My hope in doing this was that those that were there would take something important away. And that is that support is out there. It doesn’t have to be a disease like diabetes or cancer, it could be situations in life like divorce, adoption, buying a house, losing one, or anything in between. Support for you is available in your families, communities, and even online.
I also wanted people to see that we are that support to. When we look to get support we can also offer it. It’s a two way street.
No one should EVER feel like they are alone.
After the presentation I gave away some awesome door prizes to PWD’s only. Thank you to Roche, Minimed, Extend Snacks, Donna (a type 2 who made some beautiful tissue covers), and Jenny who offered to paint a shirt for the winner. We had enough for all the diabetics to take home a prize. It was very cool.
After some much needed rest a few of us met up at Sara’s mom’s house to hang out and record a live episode of Just Talking. If you have not heard it, PLEASE check it out. It was seriously just a bunch of diabetics talking and it was a blast. Sara took some clips with her camera of the podcast. Check these out.
Just Filming Just Talking from saraknic on Vimeo.
Where You Can Find Us at 3 am from saraknic on Vimeo.
The Bacon Cupcake Experience from saraknic on Vimeo.
After church on Sunday where all of my church family wore their Team Ninjabetic shirts and a very emotional mention in the sermon (thanks Pastor Skip) a few of the remaining traveling D-friends met up for lunch and bowling. After that we came back to my house to hang out and talk. It was a great time. I said goodbye to them and Scott and I stayed up until late in the night replaying all that had happened and all the future holds for the diabetes online community.
When I woke up Monday morning I fell apart. This was the last day I got to spend with my brother and I knew I was going to have to say goodbye. As I was in the shower I was seeing all the faces I had seen, the people I had met, and the love I had felt. I was so bittersweet. I hated for it to end.

We had some lunch before I took Scott to the airport and the whole time was just reflecting and remembering. It was all so heavy on my heart.
This picture before he left shows so much.

As much as I missed all of my friends and family, this was hard because it was the official end of the weekend and of course because it was Scott!
As I drove home I started crying again. My emotions are still running high when I think about all the sacrafices people made to be there. All of the time away from home and money spent. I think about how Jaimie and Bonnie (Sara’s mom) were willing to have some out of towners stay with them. I think about all of the people I had never met that came to walk. My mom being there and 2 of my 3 sisters there too. I think about my wife and kids.
I can’t stop thinking about it!
The truth is, I don’t want to.
Reader Comments (14)
Happy to contribute to an amazing weekend. I can't wait for our next gathering :)
What a beautiful post! You had me in tears. It is a testament to our awesome community, and the wonderful support and friendships you have made. It warms my heart to know, in a world that can be so judgmental and cruel, there are good, loving people among us who motivate and inspire. (That includes you. :)
Congrats on 20 years! Much love to you!
Epic. With grins and hugs and support. It was an epic event!
Aw, this was great!
Just awesome, George. Finally got home so I could watch the vids.... wow. Everyone there humbled me
Very touching post George! I am so grateful that you have so many wonderful friends and family that support you in this life. Thanks for the support you provide to all of us. Loved the part about Drew and the explaination of the "NINJABETIC". I cannot wait to share it with my son, Joe.
This brought me to tears to see you in the videos. Happy 20th! Happy Walk! Happy Advocacy! Happy YOU!!! Love.Love.
Great Post! It was so fun being part of this! I will have the extended bacon cupcake experience video, with all of our reactions, up on YouTube hopefully later tonight.
Hey George....I'm a "lurker" no more!!!
Drew and I wish to thank you again...not for just the great t-shirt, but for the powerful statements you made at the walk that I know touched him deeply! I remember standing watching the two of you interact and while I was proud of my son, I was equally amazed at your wisdom, grace and willingness to share becasue you truly care. I now we only had moments to speak that day, but it was time enough to learn that you, George, are an amazing human being....probably super-human....and definitely Ninjabetic!!!! Thanks and love!
P.S. Drew will PROUDLY be wearing his "Team Ninjabetic" shirt to his Endo visit tomorrow!!!!
And there are really no words to give a proper response to such an amazing event. You clearly put your heart and soul into this, George. That's just the type of person you are and it's one of the many things I like about you. Your family is amazing - I love that picture - such wonderful smiles and happiness. Your speech was just wonderful. Thank you for giving all those who fight the good fight the recognition and ability to share in your celebration. I'm so happy for you that it turned out so fabulously.
I had such a great time coming out to support you and this great celebration. Thank you so much for all of your family's hospitatlity, and even though your AC was all busted up, I was very comfortable. :-)
This trip was very energizing for me, and we got to talk about some great ideas to keep growing and helping. That's what it's all about man.
I love you brother, and am proud of all you have done to take care of yourself!
Few things.
1. The weekend was a raging success. Props to you :)
2. I TOLD Scott to complain to the manager about the broken A/C.. he wouldn't listen... haha
3. You made me cry.. I know we joke and we're both super goofy and always have an amazing time together and don't always get sentimental... but when you hugged me before I left and told me how much you loved me and that it was so cool that I was the "first of your friends to cross-over" (haha) and called me an official type 3, I lost it. I spent the next few days thinking about what that means to me.. and I can't express how much it means to be a part of your life, and a part of your journey.
Love you. <3
P.S. Your kids are awesome.. and your kid getting the ball rolling on a Glee club at La Habra makes me SO happy!!! :)
I am late on catching up on these posts, SuperG, but this whole experience sounds incredible. Only you would find this kind of uplifting way to mark 20 years with diabetes, and I'm always impressed with your upbeat and realistic attitude. Proud to call you a friend, dude. Gorgeous post!
Love it, LOVE IT!! Wow, I wish I was there, talking and laughing and hanging with you guys, you were like, a family. And that is so cool. I was in tears reading this post, I love how you include all your diabetic brothers and sisters, and tell us we always have support, like having a family. Incredible, Thank You. Great write up.
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