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One Heck of a Month

November is going to be a big month here on the old Ninjabetic blog.

Monday is SAE it Loud day so to kick off Diabetes Awareness month Sarah has challenged us to Support, Advocate, and Educate. Should be awesome.


November 11th is the Blood & Honey event I will be attending in Beverly Hills. If you are in town I hope you can make it.


November 14th of course is World Diabetes Day and who knows what I am planning for that? ;)


I am leaving town on the 21st for a trip to Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona for Thanksgiving week.


You Tube Tuesday #200 falls on the first Tuesday in December and I have to do something HUGE so figuring all that out will need to happen in November. Did I mention that it will be last You Tube Tuesday evah?


I am still kicking around the idea of taking on NaBloPoMo again this year which would mean a post every single day of the month. I will decide that on Sunday night I am sure.


I had an idea this morning. I am going to wear a diabetes related button or pin every single day through the month of November. I have a nice World Diabetes Day logo pin I can wear to work, and I will keep track of how many people ask about it. If you don’t know of a way you can get the word out about diabetes, maybe try something like that!


Oh geez, I almost forgot that tomorrow is TCOYD in San Diego! What a great way to slide right into Diabetes Month!


How is your November looking? Do you have diabetes related stuff planned for the month?

Have a great weekend.

Reader Comments (5)

November is a GREAT month! :-) (Course, I'm not biased at all, since I was born in November!)

I'm thinking of doing the daily blog posts for a month too.... but not sure if I'll end up biting off more than I can chew with that.

On a side note - anyone know of anywhere locally - or even with a USA address - where I can get a WDD pin? My credit card charges and arm and a leg for overseas processing and I've been hunting for them locally with no luck. :-(

October 29, 2010 | Registered CommenterAngie

If you'll have time on your travels through Arizona and if you'll be near the Phoenix area, maybe we can do a meet up. I live in Gilbert AZ.

October 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAutumn

HEY! I'm NaBlo-ing it AND I'm in AZ....Peoria :)

THAT would be awesome!

October 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWendy

Yes, I'm so excited about November but also a little overwhelmed about the mass amount of D-happenings on tap... Have a post about it for Monday. I REALLY life the "wear a pin" idea, and may go about that myself and keep track! Could be a great blog, maybe periodically and then a wrapup at the end! For WDD specifically, there's so much happening - but know that aside from the Big Blue Test, there's that whole Type 1 Talk thing I'm doing and hosting/attending one Adult Type 1 event here in Indy. Lots more going on, though! Looking forward to it all.

October 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichael Hoskins

That's one crazy November schedule man! At least it's all AWESOME stuff! :-)

October 30, 2010 | Registered CommenterScott K. Johnson

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