
After spending so much time thinking about Christmas and getting ready for the big day, now what?
The holiday weekend was a load of fun. Seeing family and friends and enjoying way too much food made for a great time this Christmas.
But now what?
The end of the year is always a very sobering time for me. As silly as it sounds since most people get “the opposite of sober” as the year ends. But for me the end of the year is a time for reflection.
Looking back on this year and all that happened, I would say that 2010 turned out to be pretty great.
The year started out with the usual, “I am going to get my act together and lose some weight,” which did not happen. I actually gained weight this year. A lot. It is one of the things that has been clawing at me lately. I know I have to address this next year.
This year was the year I finally went to Minnesota. I got to hang out with Scott and his family. It was such a great trip. It felt like home which is just what you want on a trip. To be at a home away from home and that is exactly how I felt. It was a major highlight of my year.
Once again I was invited to the Roche media summit which made for one of the best stories I will ever tell. Being included in a roster that includes all the people I look up to in the OC is very humbling and such an honor.
Another big highlight for me was Diabetes Art Day. Lee Ann came up with an awesome idea for us to all express our diabetes life through art and share it. Still these pictures move me. Especially the ones my family made.
With all the ups and downs that come with diabetes it is hard to look at these highlights and feel completely positive about them. Sure I loved Diabetes Blog Week but that last entry, the “if there was a cure” one was tough to read.
Still I look at all my friends in the OC and I feel in my heart how much they mean to me and I am thankful, in a small way, for having diabetes.
Another big highlight was my 20th anniversary weekend. It turned out to be 1000 times better than I could have ever imagined. Sometimes I think back to it as if it was a dream.
Then there is the Big Blue Test video that my son and I got to be in. That was awesome not to mention what we did as a community! It showed me that what we do online is no joke. We can make a difference. When we work together we can accomplish some very cool stuff.
Then there was switching CGMS from Minimed to Dexcom. It has been an eye opening experience. For me, the Dexcom works the way I always wanted Minimed to work. I cannot imagine not wearing my sensor now. I really depend on it.
But the biggest highlight of the year for me was writing a song with my son for World Diabetes Day. I still get choked up when I read the lyrics.
All and all this year has been pretty great. There were so many other moments that I plan on revisiting by looking through the archives of my blog. It helps to have all this stuff written down for me to look back on.
I am hoping for an even better 2011. In fact, I have a sneaky feeling this may be my best year ever.
Time will tell.
Reader Comments (4)
Wow, that is quite a year! I imagine that, being a Ninja, you also took out an evil warlord or two that you can't talk about. :)
Wow-when you put it all in one blog that's a pretty awesome year of events! Reminds me of the question my mom always asks me, "what do you think you'd do with all your free time if you didn't have diabetes?"
Happy new year George!
A lot of great things happened this year. And a lot of not so great things too. As for that cure - yeah, I just don't really believe I'll see one. But we go on . . . . Here's hoping 2011 is full of tons of wonderful!!
Ditto what Ginger said - that is a super powerful list when you look at all of those great things together like that! I think it's hard to appreciate all of the progress when we're so close to it, but dude, that was a BIG YEAR for you man! :-) Glad I could be a part of it with you brother!