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A 300 Valentine

Before we begin our church service every Sunday, the band starts a 3 song set we call, gathering songs. As soon as these 3 songs are over, our pastor starts the service.

It was right at the beginning of the second gathering song that I realized I didn’t bolus for breakfast. The morning was not my typical morning and whenever my routine is changed I seem to fall apart.

As soon as I could I stepped out of the service and checked my BG. It was 387. I bolused and went back in for the rest of the service.

When I got home I decided to check the BG again. I will still in the 300’s. I bolused for the correction my pump gave me and fell asleep on the couch. I am not normally a nap taker so my wife figured I probably needed it and let me sleep on the couch.

I woke up 4 hours later feeling terrible. Checked and had a 299. I was actually happy not being over 300. I corrected and this time, I added an additional 10 units to the correction. I do not recommend this but I was so frustrated that I figured I could deal with a low just to get out of this high I cannot get rid of.

It was dinner time and still I was above 300. I bolused AGAIN and ate. I didn’t care anymore and figured if I ended up in the hospital then at least they would get my sugar down right?

I should mention that I woke up that morning with a 118 so I did not suspect my pump or insulin at all.

Went to bed after watching some Olympic events still high. Bolused again guessing I was getting sick or something. Woke up at 1:30 and checked.


I ripped out my site. Grabbed a syringe. Filled it with 15 units of Humalog. Stabbed it in my stomach. Said several swear words. Filled a new reservoir and went back to bed.

This morning I woke up at 114.

Today is going to be tough since I do not get it off of work but at least I started off okay and I hope and pray I can stay out of the 300's today. I was sick of seeing that number yesterday.


Reader Comments (6)

((hugs)) I hate Diabetes too. Fantastic graphic though.
Here's to better bg's.

February 15, 2010 | Registered CommenterCrystal

Awww, that's so frustrating I'm sorry it threw a wrench into you whole day - but I'm glad today is starting out much better. I popped an unexplained high yesterday before we left for our Valentine's Dinner. It didn't come down much after I corrected - but I ate dinner and Red Velvet cake for dessert anyway. Not the best move, but it was Valentine's Day and I was tired of feeling like diabetes gets in the way all of the time.

February 15, 2010 | Registered CommenterKaren/Bittersweet

I love this graphic! Man, I have SO been there lately. And Karen, I probably would have eaten the cake, too. At least you were both "extra sweet" valentines :)

February 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNici

Hugs! Hope tomorrow is a better day:)

February 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCherise

Hang in there friend~

February 16, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterk2

Dude, I HATE HATE HATE when I test after correcting a high and am still high! It is so frustrating and can lead me to some dangerous rage/serial boluses. Glad that you woke up with a good number the next day. Man, another rough ride with D that day.

March 2, 2010 | Registered CommenterScott K. Johnson

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