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Watch That Site

I should have known better. 

I do know better! 

Why do I do things, or in this case not do things, when I know better? 

It was Friday night and I was just about to go to bed. I noticed that my site was lifting just a little bit on one side. I knew I was running low on insulin and was going to change my set in the morning so I just went to bed. BG at bedtime was 120. 

I had a decent nights sleep. I opened my eyes up with the first bit of sun peeking through the blinds but I could tell I needed lots more sleep. 

I ended up sleeping until 10am. 

When I woke up I could hear a faint beeping under the covers. I grabbed my pump and cleared the HIGH BG alarm that blaring at me. My CGM said I was 322 with double up arrows. It looks like I started climbing around 4am and never stopped. 

When I sat up to check my bg I threw the covers off and found that my site was sitting on the bed next to me. Darn it! I checked my BG and my machine said 388. It was then that I started to feel sick to my stomach. Nerves? Ketones? Only one way to know for sure right.

So I headed into the bathroom to find only trace amounts of ketones in my urine. That I was thankful for.

After many hours and lots of water I started to feel better. It's so easy to get the blood high but takes forever to get it down it seems. Like weight I guess.

The Lesson? If it looks like it could come off it might so do something about it! A piece of medical tape would have done the trick but no, I was too lazy to do anything. 

One day I will do everything right, until then keep reading and learning from my mistakes. :)

Reader Comments (3)

So sorry George. The tools we have are imperfect and instances like this can happy so very easily. Hindsight is 20/20.

September 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLorraine

Dang man, that sucks.

It's easy to say "better safe than sorry", but dude, I would have gone to sleep too I think. How many nights have you noticed that the tape was coming up a bit and everything went fine?

September 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterScott K. Johnson

George, did you try a super bolus to get it down faster? It really takes time off those super highs. I've also done a shot directly into my calf muscles and then run for a while so it gets absorbed more quickly -- blame Scott Hanselman for teaching me that trick. I only do the latter when it's really bad (over 380ish) and I don't recommend you do this without thinking carefully first.

September 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBernard

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