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Meet Minnie

I have been wanting to purchase a new guitar for some time now but have been torn as to which guitar to buy.

The decision was between a new acoustiic electric for church and a 3/4 size travel acoustic guitar.

The thing is, my Ovation guitar that I play at church sounds great. It needs a little TLC but other than that it works well. Every Sunday I lead our worship band and the congregation and I like the way it sounds. But I never bring it home because it is too much of a hassle.

Lugging intruments around is something I didn't mind doing for a number of years but now that I have an office at Church I leave my guitar there ready for me when I get there for rehearsal or for worship.

So naturally I should have just gone with the 3/4 sized guitar but I couldn't justify it. It's not like I am travelling all that much these days. Why would I buy a little guitar as opposed to a large one?

Well, an after noon in Guitar Center answered that. I knew I did not want to replace my main guitar and if I was going to have a guitar at home to practice songs on, why get something crazy big. Why not get a well made a guitar but a smaller size and be able to bring it with you wherever you go? Makes sense right?

When I was in the store I played a Baby Taylor that felt really good and sounded good too! I really had fun playing it and was almost sold when my son grabbed a Mini Martin and told me to try that.

You had me at the first strum! Wow! The feel, action, sound, and even smell of this mean was amazing. I found a sales associate and told him I wanted to take her home. He checked his computer and they had a brand spanking new one in the back for me. He brought it out in the box and in it was a sweet gig bag that protects it well.

I made sure I picked out a nice strap, got a tuner, stand, and a capo. Having everything I need at home and with me wherever I go was essential. 

And now I play Minnie all the time. I leave her right next to my computer so I can look up music online and rock out whenever I want to. It sounds amazing and plays like a normal size guitar.

Hopefully some of the songs that have been creeping and crawling around in my head will make there way onto her strings and an actual song will be born.

But for now I will strum and pick and hug my new baby.


Reader Comments (2)


when i saw that pic on the twitters, i guessed she was a baby taylor (my guitarist friend in LA has one). i love how your son helped you find her. i love that you're inspired to play and record more now. i love reading words like capo and action. i love that i can see a bigger version of that awesome photo. <333

October 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commentershannon

I love that pic! :-)

October 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterScott K. Johnson

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