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I love my iPhone. I have it with me everywhere I go and look at it more often than another other piece of technology I have.

That includes my insulin pump, glucose meter, and CGM.

Also with all the apps I have and use, my iPhone gets quite the workout.

Well, when I was offered a chance to check out a new diabetes management tool that works with an iPhone I figured I would go for it. Typically this is not the blog people come to when they are looking for the newest thing on the market or Breaking Diabetes Stories.

I am not that guy.

But when something catches my eye and I feel like I have something to share, I will.

So let me tell you about Glooko.

It works like this. 


Get the app and buy the cable. Download your meter reading to your iPhone! 

Bam! Done! Awesome!

Our BG readings are what we need to see to determine our therapy. If our numbers are not where we want them to be than we can adjust. But to adjust one day to the next would mean changing every day! Looking at a log helps because you can see the bigger picture. But honestly, who wants to log?

We already have to make ourselves bleed several times a day and now you want me to write down those numbers every time? And the food I eat? And my mood? Ugh! At least with Glooko my numbers are pulled and I can add my food and mood right into it. 

In between Words With Friends, Hanging With Friends, and the occasionally Tiny Wings game.

The cable fits into my meter case so it's not like a big bulky thing to carry around and more importantly, it does not allow manual number entry.


Hear me out.

Let me ask you a question. How many times have you falsified your logbook? How many times do you make up numbers because you forgot to fill it in? Do you think your doctor knows? Do you think you are the only one who does that?

False numbers mean false treatment. How can we expect our doctors to help us if we do not give them our actual numbers?

Now the first thing I think about is the real problem here which is the stigma attached to those numbers often perpetuated by our medical care team. The fact that I will be reprimanded for "bad" numbers makes me not want to turn in "bad" numbers. If I can avoid the guilt lecture, I will. How can our doctors expect real numbers when we get scolded?

We get scolded. Who benefits? Not us. Diabetes. Diabetes benefits. That makes no sense.

Changing the power of those numbers is a job that is a lot bigger! But being able to take in numbers that are real so your therapy is what you actually need is a positive thing!

Wow, I am getting off topic here. Back to Glooko.

Glooko keeps us honest because it pulls the numbers from our meters directly. Sure it doesn't work with all the meters out there but I am hopeful it will someday. 

It is compatible with these meters: Bayer’s Contour®, FreeStyle Freedom Lite®, FreeStyle Lite®, OneTouch® Ultra®2, OneTouch® UltraLink® and OneTouch® UltraMini®. (don't you just love all those numbers? HAHA) 

I spoke to Anita from Glooko the other day about the product and my experience. The conversation was quickly swept away in the little rant I wrote above. What can I say, I am a passionate guy.

My big take away from talking with her and hearing about the company is their vision and their dedication to finding ways to make our lives easier. I truly appreciate that and look forward to new innovations and updates from Glooko in the future.

Look I know some of you will not be impressed with this product. You want it to be wireless, available for different phones, with more bells and whistles, and who knows what else!

I get it. And so does Glooko.

The thing is that Glooko is fulfilling a need in a new way that makes our lives a little easier.

Everything counts and the beauty of Glooko is they are not stopping with just this release. They want to and will continue to improve it and who knows what else! 

Check it out and see for yourself. It is pretty cool and totally easy to use.

Reader Comments (9)

Dude, this is one step closer to the Unicord. Bring it! :)

November 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKerri.

That is so cool...I want one. Even if my primary meters are non-compatible, my back-up meter is on the list.

Looking forward to iDomination!!!

November 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHeidi

Mine is on order. I'm curious to see if I can sync more than one device.

November 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBob P

They get bonus points for hitting TechCrunch and making some number of startup junkies read about what glucose meters are :) But can you quantify the value of the logging system for us? That is, assume they didn't send it to you for free- how much would you have paid for it?

November 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKarmel

@Kerri - lol

@Heidi - Hopefully more meters will be usable with it soon.

@Bob - I used both my One Touch Mini and my Ultra Link. Both worked.

@Karmel - Yeah I saw that! That is cool they got some exposure to the geek world. As far as what I would pay if I had to? Hmm, I think the $39.95 is a price I would pay. I like to buy gadgets anyhow and especially ones that will help me manage a little better. I like that the app is free too.

November 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGeorge

Great write up. Thanks for the info G!

November 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenteriKonixx

looks pretty cool man! thanks for sharing.

November 30, 2011 | Unregistered Commentershannon

Yeah! These Iphone's are making our life so much better. It helps me maintain a list of everything i consume. Also i use a natural sweetener called Natvia instead of sugar. There is one application dedicated to this. I can get recipes which can be made sugar free.

December 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermichael

I am 25 years old and I was suffering from diabetes for the last 4 years. One day I came know about a product called natvia which is sweeter than sugar and contains very low calories. I used navia instead of sugar and my diabetes is totally gone. I suggest you to use natvia instead of sugar.

December 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersheikh Hasmat

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