Friday, May 20, 2011 at 9:31AM
I watched this video this morning and the words below just sort of spilled out of me. I felt when I was done that I wanted to write more but something told me to stop. So I did.
You didn't pick it, you didn't choose.
You could have won, or you could lose.
We don't choose it yet it sets the tone.
The place that we call home.
Our family's chosen before we’re born,
Some are close and some are torn,
We cannot pick them but they are ours,
Some produce love and some leave scars.
The places we start differ much in life,
The rich and the poor, abundance and strife,
Our start may be chosen, but tomorrow we make,
It’s up to us daily which route we will take.
Reader Comments (9)
Thats the 1st Ive seen this video. I watched the LFC one twice and was bawling. Same here.
Its not fair. Its not right. Humbles me when I see things like this. As frustrating as the highs and lows are I am so grateful I have juice and a frig full of insulin to take care of it.
Great post G. More people need to see this.
wow...first time I saw this...tears are streaming...I just want to reach through my screen and hold Samuel tightly!...we are so blessed for what we have access to here and every child, person around the world should have the heart breaks...
Wow...that's all I can say. Wow. My heart is just aching.
Agreed. Outrageous. Heartbreaking. My heart aches for this man, and all who go without because of where they were born. It's not right and needs to be fixed.
I'm trying very hard to do something about this....well....not *ME*. More like I'm trying to find a way to pull the DOC together to respond to the situation.
PLEASE Take 30 minutes to watch the video at the end of this post.
You'll never be the same.
Thank you for highlighting this most important cause, George.
God Bless.
Leaves me speechless. And even though he talks about being a person without hope, he tells his tale with such bravery. It hurts my heart to know there are so many who need what I take for granted every day.
It is NOT fair. No child should die or suffer complications because of lack of insulin. Something has to be done.
My heart is broken in many little pieces.
People shouldn't have to be so brave. No one should have to live without hope. Everyone should have the tools available to control their diabetes. It's not a luxury, it's a basic human right.
It is very heartbreaking especially for me who managed to escape Africa unlike Samuel. My family always talks about how I would not have made it had I been diagnosed while still in Africa.
Insulin for Life does great work in trying to help and is a wonderful origination to support. - for those of us in Canada - For USA
Also in our advocacy work we may want to ask our governments that Aid to African Countries be given with strings attached.
Life saving strings