My Son the Rock Star
Monday, September 26, 2011 at 7:47AM
These pictures are from the House of Blues in Anaheim. My son is the one in the middle and his band Estuarine played there last night.
They were awesome! I am so proud of all 4 of them.
Reader Comments (8)
THIS IS SO SO SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Picture #3 = Epic. Once he makes it big time can you put in a request that one of his band's album titles be 'Exploding Fist Bumb'? :)
Make that 'Exploding Fist Bump' ((Needs more Diet Coke in the AM))
That is beyond awesome! Way to go, rockstar!
So ridiculous! I cannot even handle how cool "little George" is!!!
You must be so excited George!
SWEET!!!! So want to hear him jam! This is great, George. Thanks for sharing his rockstar-ability with us!
Dude, this is so freaking cool. So cool. Le sigh....