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Peculiar Pains

My body hurts a lot. I should say, I have weird pains in weird places often and I cannot figure out when to go to the doctor for any particular one. Or all of them!

There has been a dull pain on my right side that comes and goes. I can outline the pain I keep feeling because it doesn’t move at all. It is weird and doesn’t seem to be triggered by any one thing.

Also, I keep having headaches or head pains. Usually my headaches make me feel like my head is in a vice and is being squeezed. Or the headache that is behind my eyes and makes me cringe to look too far in any one direction. Pounding, throbbing headaches are what I am used to but what I keep having is the weird head pain that feels a little like a tent spike is being rammed down into my head on the left side. It’s quick and hurts like heck but than it goes away. Again, I cannot find any trigger for it.

Imagine two people in a heated argument. On person takes their index finger and pokes the other person right in the chest. Imagine that feeling in your chest. I have that exact feeling several times a day.

When it happens I panic and my pulse increases. My heart pounds because I think something may be wrong but then it all goes away.

It seems every time I go to the doctor I bring up some new issue. It makes me wonder if my doctor thinks I am crazy. I wonder if I am crazy!

Like a moron I decided to look some of these symptoms up online. That is scary stuff but I am not one to jump to conclusions. That may be the problem. I don’t want to head to the first ER thinking it is something serious but according to Web MD I should be checking into ICU or something.

The one thing that did keep coming up online was stress. Stress can cause all kinds of weird pains and symptoms. Could that be all it is? Stress?

Every week I have doctor’s appointments it seems. Podiatrist, Dr. Awesome, CDE, and the occasional eye exam makes for missing a lot of work, paying a bunch of copayments, and spending a lot of time which I don’t have much of.

So to rush out every time I feel a weird pain seems excessive. But is that the thing to do?

It’s tough because if I was reading this about one of my friends I would tell them to get to their doctors pronto!

And yet I feel as if I am jumping the gun. Running to the doctors just to be told it’s nothing.

Do I want something to be wrong with me? Isn’t diabetes enough?

Of course I don’t want to have anything else wrong with me but I hate to hear, “we don’t know.” Not knowing is not acceptable when it comes to health in my opinion.

HA! Did you just see what I did there?

In writing this post I realize that if I think a doctor not knowing what is wrong with me is not acceptable than how can willingly avoid going to the doctor to even find out if something is wrong.

That settles it.

I am crazy.

Reader Comments (5)

Dude, I hate that you are hurting. My first thought is to have this very same discussion with Dr. Awesome and see what he thinks. He'll tell you if he thinks you're crazy or not... :-)

September 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterScott K. Johnson

It's so hard to figure out if it's D-related, if it's actually a Scary Thing, or if we're just getting old. Stupid weird pains!

I've had plenty of "I don't knows" in the past few months, and it's frustrating. I hope you get some news you can wrap your head around!

September 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJacquie

Avoid Web MD like the plague! They're trying to scare you into clicking as many links as possible so they get more advertising money. Don't reward them for it.

I really like the health information at the Mayo Clinic website. They almost never convince me I'm dying of pinkie cancer. Though I always giggle when their symptom checker tells me I might have diabetes.

I hope you get this figured out soon. It's terrible not to know what's going on and if it's serious.

September 29, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermollyjade

dude I get you! I'm hitting up all sorts of different specialists lately trying to figure out what is the root of so many weird symptoms and it's expensive and tiring! And scary! But I think it's helping. Right now the doc thinks I have a kidney infection which is what the pain in my lower right back is probably about, and high blood sugars. Sigh...still waiting for test results. What I did was write down all my symptoms (all 20) and took them to each doctor until someone thought of something and connected dots. I hope you figure out whats going on soon so you get relief. You're worth it!

September 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSysy

ugh, this sucks! L was having some severe pain in one spot on her head that radiated down into her neck and back. we went to her pediatrician and she was puzzled and perplexed! the worst is not knowing if it's "regular people sick" or D-related! here's hoping you get to the bottom of your stuff soon. <3

October 4, 2011 | Unregistered Commentershannon

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