Blogging about your life with diabetes can be very revealing. Sharing your numbers, about doctor’s visits, frustrations, and fears helps us all be there for one another. Not everyone shares everything of course but some seem to open up about it all. One person who does this like no other is Kelly Kunik.
Kelly has a special place in my heart because she is there for me whenever I need her, even when I haven’t reached out for help. She has a sixth sense about her friends and she loves them unconditionally and completely.
She has seen diabetes in her life like no one else I know. Many family members have had it and some have lost their lives because of it. It would make being an advocate really difficult for me but not for Kelly. Her strength is something I admire and am so very thankful for.
When someone in media says something untrue or misleading about diabetes Kelly is on the case. She is not afraid to call whoever she has to and get a wrong corrected. That takes guts and passion, two things Kelly has plenty of.
As strong as she is she is not afraid to reach out when she needs us. In her weakest moments she is strong because she knows where to find strength and how to tap into it. A skill most people do not recognize or understand.
I talk about her passion when it comes to diabetes but she is just as passionate about many other areas of her life. Her family is such a big part of who she is and what she lives for. To hear her talk about her niece and how proud she is so sweet and loving. And to hear about her mother and the pain she felt when she passed still brings me to tears. Strength, passion, and caring are three words to describe Kelly.
I should also throw in that she is damn funny too. Be prepared to laugh when Kelly is around.
These posts about awareness have been really great for me because they remind me about these amazing people and who they really are. Not just a blogger. Not just a diabetic. It’s why I love No D Day. Diabetes is not everything. Kelly is not diabetes.
Kelly is unique, kind, loving, passionate, funny, witty, brave, caring, and most importantly my friend.
Share your Kelly love below in the comments.
Reader Comments (4)
Loved meeting Kelly this summer at FFL... I wish I had just half the energy she does!
Oh Ninjabetic Brother of mine - Thank you so much for being my friend and for your wonderful words.
Parts of this afternoon were less then stellar - And then I came home and read your post & burst into the ugliest cry filled with the happiest of tears, ever!
I'm so incredibly blessed to have you as my friend - And whenever I start to feel the self doubt creeping in, I will read your post so I can see myself as you see me.
Love ya Ninjabro!
Kelly K
Kelly is a rockstar! She's such a beautiful person, both inside and out. I always know I can count on her to cheer me on when I need encouragment and to talk me off a "ledge" if I need it.
She's amazing and I am proud to call her my friend.
Kelly is an amazing advocate, and a real "includer". That's a quality that is both helpful and empowering. What you see is what you get, in my opinion. And it's all good. Thanks