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Rad In Plaid

So many blogs about diabetes have awesome names. It's a minor thing of course but when you name your blog Diabetically Speaking it's a pretty good indicator that you are a creative guy.

Martin Wood is a type 1 blogger who was diagnosed when he was 2. I met Martin a few years ago at Friends For Life in Florida although I felt I knew him already (a common theme).

Martin has been on the other end of many a phone call from me especially when I need advice. He is a great listener and a good friend. His zest for life is infectious as is his sense of humor. It's hard hanging around with Martin because you know it is going to have to come to an end eventually and that is always a bummer.

His writing is mostly upbeat because that is Martin! But he will always tell it like it is. He wrote a post earlier this year about a terrifying low that hit home. He makes you feel what he felt, the fear and confusion. Moments people without diabetes cannot really understand.

When I read about a moment like this I find comfort in knowing I am not alone. I hate to hear that my friend has had a terrifying experience but when I can read those posts and through tears feel less alone, it is a beautiful thing. 

I cannot say enough great things about Martin. He is just a great guy and I am uber blessed to call him friend. 

Share your Martin stories in the comments. 

Reader Comments (5)

The past I like best about these posts, aside from reading about all the different friends in the DOC, is trying to guess who you are talking about by the title alone.

November 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKerri.

Martin is so awesome!!

Let's see... Martin stories.

Well there was that one time we both drove hours to Orlando to meet up for a Color Run (and dressed like a fool with me).

There was that other time that Jacquie and her husband and I spent a weekend at his house including watching ATM.

He also was the last person I saw on my way out of Florida when I moved across the country when he met my dad and I at Cracker Barrel.

I am definitely a member of the Martin fan club! :)

November 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSara

Yes! I'm a big fan of Martin! He is awesome. So glad to know him.

November 9, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterScott K. Johnson

Martin is what we in Jersey call "good people," and we are so lucky to have him!

November 9, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterk2

George, and every one of you that commented absolutely made my day. Thank you so much. I'm trying to think of something funny to say, or a plaid joke, but more than anything else I can come up with right now...I'm touched. I'm so thankful that my little slice of diabetes life is able to help others, and that I've got so many incredible people to call my friends and family from the DOC.

November 10, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMartin Wood

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