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No More Spring

I had mentioned last week about going to see a Dermatologist and it finally happened.

To say I was nervous was right on the money. Why? I am not sure. Maybe its just how self conscious I am about the whole acne thing. Maybe its because I have had it for so long that I was worried nothing could be done. Plus its always a little scary meeting a new doctor.

When the Doctor walked into the room she said, "Alright, let me see it." When I took off my shirt she got up close to check it out. I was so uncomfortable. 

"You know, it is not as bad as you think it is. Most of what I see are issues of pigment not acne. Likely caused by acne, but more like scars. You do have some acne but we are going to take care of it, don't worry."

She told me about a bunch of cleaners and skin stuff she wanted me to use. She also started me on an antibiotic or I should say, some pill. I don't even know what it is now that I think about it! 

"So how long have you had diabetes?" I knew the diabetes thing would come up with the whole insulin pump site. I hate talking to new doctors about diabetes. 

"For almost 23 years now." 

"And you are a... type 1?" Whenever anyone asks that question I see them look at my waist line. It's subtle but I catch it every time.

"Yup, that's me!" In my most confident skinny sounding voice I could come up with.

She went on to tell me that diabetes can in some ways affect your skin. High blood sugar makes it harder for white blood cells to fight infection and heal us. It's why wounds can take longer to heal when our bg is elevated. BUT that does not mean we are meant to live with skin issues. Diabetes is not the cause but it makes it harder to fight acne.

The point is I don't have to live with this like I was told before from another doctor. 

So now I have all these weird washes, creams, and gels not to mention the pills but if it works than so be it. I am willing to do what I have to do to get this done once and for all.

The only bummer is I had to trade in my Irish Spring soap for this new special one. I love Irish Spring! It just smells clean to me. 

At least I still have my Irish Spring scented deodorant! No one will take that away from me!

Reader Comments (4)

I am the KING, the CAESAR, the UBERKAISER of reading an important heartfelt post and focusing on an unimportant detail.

George, I'm happy that this doctor can help you, and even happier that she relieved your fear. I feel your pain on the stealth waistline glance.

But what I really want to say is that I've used Irish Spring for YEARS, and that I love it too. :)

July 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBob P

Yet another reason I love Bob! He has good taste!

July 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterGeorge

I love that you wrote about this. You have probably helped someone make their own appointment to investigate an issue for them. Just because you did it.

July 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterColleen

I can smell the fresh just from looking at that picture. :-)

July 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterScott K. Johnson

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