Diabetes Art Day - Too Many Dots

After 23 years of diabetes there are way too many dots on my fingers, stomach, thighs, and arms.
After 23 years of diabetes there are way too many dots on my fingers, stomach, thighs, and arms.
Reader Comments (7)
You're appealing to the art history nerd in me... Pointillism! So cool!
Really like this concept, George. Makes me look down at my calloused fingers and nod in agreement. Thanks for making this and sharing it for D-Art Day.
I love love love this . . . . except for the part of me that hate that it's true. Way too many dots. But your art is wonderful.
I think it's no coincidence that perhaps the most infamous Pointillism artist shares the same first name as you! This is awesome, George(s).
i saw this in the D art gallery and loved it. of course it's from you.
i still think of the art you made on the first (?) d art day. the dark house with the one light on. (4am?)
I love this! My friend! Pointillism at it's finest and most true!
This is perfect, dude. I love it. :-)