Hope Matters
Hate. I hate diabetes. I hate all the shots, the complications, the frustrations. The feeling like you are falling down a bottomless pit with no end in sight. No cure in sight. Nothing but years and years ahead with 24/7 management that never seems to get any easier. It is all so very easy to hate.
But although there may not be a cure for this disease there is a cure for the hate. A cure for the anger and frustration. A cure for that feeling like nothing is going to get better.
Hope is a little thing that makes a big difference. With a little bit of hope you can look for a brighter tomorrow and a lighter load. Hope can encourage you to try again and to stick with it! Hope can motivate, comfort, and completely transform your mood.
What do I hope for? I hope that tomorrow my blood sugars will be right where I want them. I hope that my friends who live with diabetes will have A1C’s where they want and complication free lives. I hope those who care for people with diabetes find support and comfort in their own frustrations. I hope that those of us who do have diabetes and complications from it find help and whatever they need to feel whole again.
I hope for wholeness for all PWD’s.
On May 20th at 12PM EST I will be participating in the 2nd annual Diabetes Hope Conference. I will be on one of the three panels discussing complications from diabetes and hope. The conference is completely free and is all online. Last year was really great and I am very thankful I was asked to be involved again. This year I am on a panel about the doctor/patient relationship which is something I have a lot to say about.
The complications I live with got the best of me for a long time. That feeling of hate was overwhelming and would spill into every aspect of my life. When I found some hope and some help things got better and I refuse to let diabetes or its complications complicate or ruin my life.
I hope you check out the site and RSVP for the conference. I truly think it is extremely helpful to be hopeful and together we can talk about the things that bring us down so maybe we can eliminate all the hate and anger we feel.
None of us should every feel alone or hopeless.
I hope no one ever does.
Reader Comments (2)
Your message about hope and how it can completely change the way you live your life are a big part of why the Diabetes Hope Conference even exists.
I'm so happy and thankful that you are involved, and I can't wait to watch your panel.
Thank you for doing what you do, brother!
So glad to have you with us again this year.... and I just love this post. But more importantly, it's good to hear the hope in your words.... without that... the going gets tough pretty quickly.
See you on the 20th.