Entries in You Tube Tuesdays (245)
You Tube Tuesday #235
I hope that today's clip is not just funny to me because I am a parent. I think it is hysterical!
In fact, I had to subscribe to this channel because I love the humor.
You Tube Tuesday #234
Last week I attended the American Association of Diabetes Educators annual conference in Las Vegas.
Tomorrow's post will be all about my time there but I wanted to share this video clip with you today.
This video was shown at the beginning of the breakout that Manny, Amy, David, and Hope, lead called "The DOC, What the Heck is Going On?" It is very interesting when you see the impact and importance of social media.
You Tube Tuesday #233
This is a short clip but it is just to cute not to share.
As much a I love cats, I love dogs too! And this one is awesome!
You Tube Tuesday #232
Occasionally my video pick for the week is diabetes related and this my friends is one of those weeks.
Hopefully you all know about the “You Can Do This” project put together by Kim at textingmypancreas. If not, make sure you read up.
This submission is awesome and I would love if you would check it out. It was made by Rachel at humaBLOG and it is amazing!