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Road To Feeling Better

Yesterday marked another 2 week visit to the Endo.

When I got there I was told that there was no appointment on the schedule for me. I got concerned but explained that since I was there so late last time that the doctor forgot to put the appointment in the following morning.

I was hoping it was not going to be a problem and it wasn’t. Awesome.

Went in, confirmed a weight gain of 1 pound (ugh), sat down and had BP checked. 120/84. A little high but lower than last time. Time for the finger stick. BG was 139. Not bad at all. Not for me.

My pump was downloaded and as I sat there for a few moments in the room by myself I realized how thankful I was that none of the rooms here (like the other endo I had) have giant pictures of “What happens to bad diabetics.” I cannot handle that stuff.

My doc came in with my pump and papers and started going over it with me.

Still I am taking more insulin as bolus insulin instead of basal. He really wants me to get as close as I can to 50% basal 50% bolus. We adjusted my basal rates but the numbers are getting better so I am excited about all this.

He went over my labs and the blood work showed that my testosterone level was still dropping. He prescribed some hoping that I will start to feel more human. I am tired and sleepy all the time and he thinks this will help.

It’s this kind of stuff that makes me happy. I never mentioned being tired or anything, I just figured it’s because I am lazy. He just wanted to run tests on all the stuff that could be effecting me and did it! I have never had a doctor do that before.

He also gave me a prescription for Lyrica. I tried Cymbalta and it didn’t do much. He said that he wanted me to try that first but that he thinks Lyrica is a much better drug. He said he had to have me take it first to “play the insurance game” so they will cover the Lyrica.

All and all it was again a good visit. I did not feel guilty or like I was bad for gaining that pound, the bad blood sugars, or anything. I always feel like I am part of the team when I am there. It’s a good feeling and one I have never before.

And now I need to get rid of that pound I gained and a few of his buddies soon. 

(FYI I don't get the title either.)

Reader Comments (4)

This picture just made me yawn.

And that pound's probably nothing. A different pair of shoes can add a pound.

August 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJacquie

Great to hear you had such a good visit :)

Any idea why your doc wants your basal:bolus 50:50? Seems a bit arbitrary!

August 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMike

Be careful with Lyrica. I was on it for fibromyalgia and it made me gain weight like crazy. It doesn't for everyone but be aware.

August 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAdriana

I'm so thankful that this doctor is working to help you feel better. There will surely be some frustrations along the way, but at least you're part of the team here, which helps you tolerate the frustrations.

August 13, 2010 | Registered CommenterScott K. Johnson

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