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I had an appointment yesterday with my Neurologist. I had been seeing her since last year for this bizarre dizzy spells or surges as I like to call them. Well in the past three weeks what was every now and then is constant.

As rappers used to say but now my boss and newscasters say, it’s “24-7.”

Over the past several months I have had MRI’s, CT scans, and blood work checking for any abnormalities. Nothing is showing as a neurological issue. I have had my suspicions that this may be an inner ear thing but I did not want to make an appointment with a specialist until I have exhausted all the tests the neurologist wanted to do.

I don’t know about you, and I don’t know if this is because of diabetes but it seems our doctors want to either day, “or it’s the diabetes” or “you should see someone else.” I hate that. I don’t want to go to one specialist and have that one tell me to go back to the other who tells me to go back to that one who sends me to another and yadda yadda yadda. I cannot be the only one who gets kicked around like this.

So I figured I would make sure the neurologist really felt like we had done everything before I moved on.

She looked over all of my tests and had me turn my head different ways. She had me looking up and down checking for any signs that it could be neurological.

“I think you need to see an Otolaryngologist.”

The blank look on my face must have tipped her off. Or maybe she wanted to save me from trying to say Otolaryngologist but she quickly said, “An Ear, Nose and Throat doctor.”

I hate feeling like things need to be dumbed down for me but come on, I am not a freaking doctor for a very good reason, I would gross out on gross stuff all day long. That would not work so well is my guess. Can you imagine?


  “Hey Doc I have a growth on my lip.”

“Ugh, sick. Go see another doctor dude I am going to barf!"



Yeah I am not meant to be a doctor.


The receptionist scheduled an appointment for next Tuesday with the ENT. I am thankful that they could get me in so soon. I hope this will get fixed quickly. The way I feel is not only annoying but it scares me. I want to know what the problem is and get it fixed. Whatever they need to do is fine, just fix it.

Reader Comments (7)

G, I've been to the ENT countless times. The test they run aren't always the most pleasant but they can see things most other doctors can't especially if they're thorough. I hope they find the answer to your ailment & get you feeling better!

August 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterStacey D.

Hi my name is Shannon go by Shanno, am a Type 1 to 2 years dx at age 34, and have been reading your blog for quite awhile (Thanks!)

Anyway...I had to comment, because I had dizzy spells in the past (started 10 years ago) and it wasn't just a dizzy spell but more described like I was being tossed around and falling. (I actually did fall alot). I had CT scans and all of that then FINALLY was sent to a hearing and balance center. They fixed my disorder that day....I thought the Dr. was a quack because he said he can fix me by rolling me down and around on a table. It worked! Please google BPPV to see if the symtoms are like yours (then you'll see that I'm not a quack..hahah!)

Thanks again!


August 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShannon

This is one of those things that comes along that has nothing to do with diabetes, but many doctors would rather blame it on diabetes rather than admit they don't have an answer. That stinks. But hopefully, the otolaryngologist (or "Ear, Nose & Throat" doctor) can help resolve these issues for you!

August 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterScott S

I hope the ENT is able to figure things out. It's the worst sitting around waiting and trying to figure out what the heck is wrong. I was thrilled when my neuro told me yesterday that she wanted to work w/ my gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, GP and doctors in Idaho. (Thankfully my otolaryngologist is now out of the picture haha) I'm so glad they're getting somewhere for you!

August 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAshley

Growing up I saw my ENT what seemed to be weekly... and I have never heard of him called an Otolaryngologist! I guess you learn something new every day!
Hopefully they'll be able to figure out what is going on. I know the feeling you describe well, and it's not fun. Good luck!

August 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterAngie

I hope they figure out what has been going on with you man, it's been scary for us too. But you know what? Inner ear/balance thing makes a lot of sense. Keep us posted.

August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterScott K. Johnson

I feel your frustration. I read your description of your symptoms and it sounds exactly like what I am going through. I can hardly stand it. At times it feels like I can't think straight because my head is swirling. Mine seems to be worse while I am at work. I assume that is because of the stress that comes along with work. I went to the ENT and let me tell you that was a waist of $300. I don't know where to turn now. Probably go back to my GP and start over again. Hang in there!

September 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJim

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