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AADE 2011 - My Recap

Last week I was in Las Vegas Nevada attending the AADE conference. AADE stands for the American Association of Diabetes Educators. And let me tell you, that is a big group of people!

I was really surprised at the magnitude of all of it. So many sessions going on in so many places! It was awesome just to be there.

Most of my time was spent in the exhibit hall. Both Scott Johnson and I were invited by Diabetes Care Club to the show. I have been a forum admin over there for a while now but this was the first opportunity I had to meet the people from DCC and they were fantastic. Not only did they bring me there but I had a lot of time to walk around the exhibit hall to talk to other people and check out lots of stuff. (disclosure: Diabetes Care Club covered my travel, conference admission, and lodging)

I was able to attend one session called “The DOC: What the Heck is Going On?” The presenters were Hope Warshaw, Amy Tendrich, Manny Hernandez, and David Edelman. They each spoke about the online community and the benefits of being apart of it all. I loved it when Amy said that they need to prescribe the OC to their patients! So awesome!

The best part about it all was the way it seemed to be received. The room was packed and the overall feeling was that this was a community and resource that could not be ignored. I was surprised there was not that there were no naysayers. Everyone seemed to accept social media as something they should embrace, since their patients are most likely involved in it.

I met a lot of awesome people and got to see so many people who are a big part of my life. Members of the OC, people I met at CWD, and even some local OC members.

On Wednesday night there was an awesome meet up at a Yogurt shop in the hotel.

I got meet Justice, his mom Alexis, his dad, and his little brother! Katie, Allison, Mollie, and Jackie all met up with us. It was a great time and truly the highlight of the trip.



Most of time I spent laughing with and at Scott.


Here is one of those times I caught on camera when all he wanted was a diet sodapop.

When I look back at the convention it makes me happy that so many people want to learn how to be better educators. Things change so much in the medical world that it is nice to see so many dedicated to learning what is new and how to educate others.

So thank you everyone whose job it is to educate people with diabetes.

Because some of us need to learn even the basics.

Like how to take glucose correctly!

(another disclaimer: I have never nor would I ever snort anything up my nose that was not the sweet smell of bacon cooking or nasal spray a doctor perscribed. That being said, every time a bottle of glucose tabs get poured out a part of me wants to pretend I am in some Quentin Tarantino film or something. Anyhow, hope this makes you laugh. No harm was intended.)

Reader Comments (9)

I love your recap and all of your photos! Especially the creepy one with the actors in the back. :) It was awesome hanging out with you for a few days!

August 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

omg that last pic is HILAR. someone call quentin tarantino NOW! and thanks for giving me the opportunity i've been looking for to start a dialogue with my 11 year old about cocaine! AHAHAHAH!

it sounds like a tremendous experience, especially the DOC panel. so glad to hear it was all so well-received.

but i think my fave part is the pic of you with J and S. you three look so badass!

August 10, 2011 | Unregistered Commentershannon

Highlight of our month (yea we live here lol) was meeting YOU! You're every bit as amazing as I imagined and way more.

OMG. That last pic is beyond hilarious, and I love the disclosure statement which follows.

Till we meet again!

August 10, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteralexis

thanks for the info and the words george.

im surprised you guys have not gotten endorsements from " diet coke"!

August 10, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdeanusa

Love the recap George! It was awesome seeing you guys again!!! :) Hope all is well! :)

August 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMollie and Jackie

OMG... this was a great recap George! Loved it, from the exciting informative CDE session on the DOC to all the outstanding fun stuff. That video of Scott trying to insert the dollar is outstanding, as is the glucose tab dust photo... Great stuff. Thanks for the laughs, my friend.

August 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMike Hoskins

OMG I love that last photo. I totally think the same thing! And now I live near Miami so it is even worse. I hear Crockett & Tubbs in my head every time I look in the bottom of an empty glucose tab container. "She's sneaking that Nicaraguan nose candy again, Rico..."

August 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKathy

I laughed out loud at your last picture! Every time I clean out my purse or throw away an empty glucose tab bottle at my office, I look at the trail of fine powder and wonder what would happen if someone walked in at that point in time! I think it's so important to find humor where we can and laugh as much as possible! Thanks for sharing what I've been thinking for years!

August 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMeredith

Great recap G. It was an amazing experience all around. Love the pictures, and I'm so glad I don't have to fight with that soda pop machine for my fix everyday. :-)

August 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterScott K. Johnson

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