Great Scott
I think back when I started lurking around the DOC and one person who always stands out for me is Scott Strumello.
Scott is another person with diabetes who inspires me daily and who helped me to want to share my diabetes life online.
First off he is smarter than smart which is a saying only a dumb person like me would say for lack of a thesaurus. When I read his posts I feel like I am getting smarter and sometimes I will actually look up things he says to understand them better. I cannot believe I just admitted that.
We met at the first social media summit put on by Roche and have had the opportunity to meet many times since. I consider Scott a friend and a hero. He has this gift to not only find but share what diabetes companies are doing behind the scenes. I just look at that stuff and my brain melts!
His blog, Scott's Web Log, is a huge resource to the community and he is an advocate I am thankful to have on our side.
Scott is super awesome! Be sure and add his blog to your feed. And don't forget to share your thoughts on Scott below. That should be a new Tumblr for him, "Scott's Thoughts." I'd subscribe!