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Our D-Soldier

Today is Veteran's Day and the one person I know in the DOC that is a soldier for both this country and this disease is my sister from another mister, Cherise Shockley.

On Saturday I wrote about Jaimie and told you how difficult it was to explain how much she meant to me. The same goes for Cherise, in fact, I met both of them on the same day at the same time!

Cherise is so much more than a friend to me. She is family. She is my rock when I need guidence and my motivator when I am feeling down. She lifts me up by either making me laugh or calling her mom on the phone and making her sing on speaker phone so we can have church. Seriously Cherise is amazing even before she turns on a computer or logs into Twitter.

DSMA, the DSMA Live shows, DCAF, Blue Fridays, are all brain children of Cherise. Her focus is the community both online and offline. Her work is never done because as soon as a goal is reached she is ready to get to work on the next one. No sitting around in glory. Like a soldier she does what she plans to do and gets ready for the next mission. 

That is the thing about Cherise. None if this is every for glory. It is a mission, a mission to help others and change the way the world sees people with diabetes. She does not talk about making a difference, she does it. 

I am so blessed to call her family and thankful to be able to work with her on her mission. 

I could go on and on about Cherise but I would love to hear what she means to you! Comment below and share the love!

I almost forgot one of her greatest acheivments, SUGASHEEN! 


Shining Her Light

This is tough. I cannot even begin to express my love for this person. She is amazing and I do not say that lightly.

What makes Jaimie so mega special is her abilty to stay humble. I met Jaimie Hernandez several years ago on the same weekend I met many other PWD's. That weekend was pretty surreal and I have already written about one of those people this month.

Jaimie does not blog but she is very active on Facebook, Twitter, and TuDiabetes. She always says she is going to start a blog and I will be ready to cheer her on when she does! 

Jaimie is one of the greatest advocates I know. She is always connecting people to one another so they can find the support they need. Parents of kids with diabetes often reach out to her and she connects them with other parents so they can support one another. 

Oh and I should mention the time she saved a strangers life? So she is surfing around Craig's List for diabetes stuff and finds a guy selling stuff to raise money for his coffin since he was sure he was going to die! In his post he mentioned he has really bad diabetes and doesn't think he is going to make it so to not leave his wife and family with the burden of paying for his funeral he was selling all his stuff.

Jaimie reached out the guy and he explained that every few days he is back in the ER with DKA. Jaimie asked him what type of diabetes he had and he said he was recently diagnosed with type 2 but none of the drugs seem to work. After a few more questions Jaimie was pretty sure this twenty something was either Type 1 or LADA. Either way with him going home and the next day coming in DKA seemed at least enough to ask the doctors to check to be sure he was not type 1. 

She went to the hospital and brought him a machine and strips which he didn't have money for and told him to ask about type 1. When he was in the hospital they gave him insulin, got his bg where it needed to be and sent him home. By the end of the next day he was already going back to the ER. It amazes me that they did not figure this out but oh well.

The young man told the doctor, was diagnosed with type 1, and left the hospital feeling better than he had in a long while. Not to mention he didn't need to sell all his stuff for a funeral.

Jaimie advocates like I wish I did. She gets out there offline and helps. And yet she doesn't shine a light on herself. She let's her light shine out onto others. And when she does those people are blessed to have her in their lives. 

Thank you so much for all you do for the diabetes community Jaimie. Both online and offline. You are a major hero for me and I love you lots!

Check out these pics of Jaimie and I and share any Jaimie love in the comments. 


Rad In Plaid

So many blogs about diabetes have awesome names. It's a minor thing of course but when you name your blog Diabetically Speaking it's a pretty good indicator that you are a creative guy.

Martin Wood is a type 1 blogger who was diagnosed when he was 2. I met Martin a few years ago at Friends For Life in Florida although I felt I knew him already (a common theme).

Martin has been on the other end of many a phone call from me especially when I need advice. He is a great listener and a good friend. His zest for life is infectious as is his sense of humor. It's hard hanging around with Martin because you know it is going to have to come to an end eventually and that is always a bummer.

His writing is mostly upbeat because that is Martin! But he will always tell it like it is. He wrote a post earlier this year about a terrifying low that hit home. He makes you feel what he felt, the fear and confusion. Moments people without diabetes cannot really understand.

When I read about a moment like this I find comfort in knowing I am not alone. I hate to hear that my friend has had a terrifying experience but when I can read those posts and through tears feel less alone, it is a beautiful thing. 

I cannot say enough great things about Martin. He is just a great guy and I am uber blessed to call him friend. 

Share your Martin stories in the comments. 


Knit Picking

I know many of the people I am writing about you may already be aware of which is fine by me. If one person finds someone they didn't know before than my mission this Diabetes Awareness Month is a success.

Today I want to tell you about my good friend Karen.

Karen Graffeo is the creator of Diabetes Blog Week which is a highlight of the year for many in the DOC. She puts together a week long list of writing prompts and we all have at it. Reading all the different stories and prospectives from others is facinating. I learn so much and find so many new people every year.

I met Karen many years ago while her and her husband were in town on business. We planned to meet for dinner and I surprised her with an unannounced guest that she knew from the DOC.

Her blog called Bitter-Sweet is filled with honest accounts of her diabetes life. I love to hear about her advocacy efforts too. She really gets outside of herself to help others.

I remember when she first started blogging I knew Karen as the Mostly Self Taught Knitter!

Karen, her husband, and even their cats all have a place in my heart. That connection I feel with PWD's is so real and instant. It's like we are all old friends finding each other again.

Do you know Karen? She is awesome right? Share your Karen love in the comments. 


The Perfect Palindrome

I love video games. 

From home consoles like the Atari 2600, NES, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, Game Cube, Playstation, Wii, or Xbox 360 to arcade games like Defender, Bobble Bobble, Gauntlet, and Dragon's Lair. I even got into PC gaming for a long time too (and actually started playing a little recently). 

So how cool was it to find someone in the DOC with a sweet banner on her blog like this one?


Hannah is one of the members of the OC that I am dying to meet in person. I have been reading her blog since she started blogging and like most type 1's out there I felt an instant connected. Not only because of diabetes but her sense of humor, likes/dislikes, and her honesty all made me feel like this person is someone I get. 

She is smart, funny, artistic, and did I mention a poet? Yeah! So awesome right? You need to be sure you read her blog Dorkabetic and if you have had the pleasure of meeting her in person please let me know. But don't rub it in too much, I get jealous so easily. :)

Some day soon we will be hanging out. I am determined to meet Hannah!