Our D-Soldier

Today is Veteran's Day and the one person I know in the DOC that is a soldier for both this country and this disease is my sister from another mister, Cherise Shockley.
On Saturday I wrote about Jaimie and told you how difficult it was to explain how much she meant to me. The same goes for Cherise, in fact, I met both of them on the same day at the same time!
Cherise is so much more than a friend to me. She is family. She is my rock when I need guidence and my motivator when I am feeling down. She lifts me up by either making me laugh or calling her mom on the phone and making her sing on speaker phone so we can have church. Seriously Cherise is amazing even before she turns on a computer or logs into Twitter.
DSMA, the DSMA Live shows, DCAF, Blue Fridays, are all brain children of Cherise. Her focus is the community both online and offline. Her work is never done because as soon as a goal is reached she is ready to get to work on the next one. No sitting around in glory. Like a soldier she does what she plans to do and gets ready for the next mission.
That is the thing about Cherise. None if this is every for glory. It is a mission, a mission to help others and change the way the world sees people with diabetes. She does not talk about making a difference, she does it.
I am so blessed to call her family and thankful to be able to work with her on her mission.
I could go on and on about Cherise but I would love to hear what she means to you! Comment below and share the love!
I almost forgot one of her greatest acheivments, SUGASHEEN!