You Tube Tuesday #10

Yes, I am back.
Yes, I will tell you about my weekend soon.
Yes, it's another cute kitty video.
I am so predictable!
Yes, I am back.
Yes, I will tell you about my weekend soon.
Yes, it's another cute kitty video.
I am so predictable!
I have not posted in a while and I promise to explain why next week. I am a busy bee! But there was no way I could neglect a You Tube Tuesday.
This week’s video is another Cat video. But this is so cute, I just had to share it with you all. Please let me know what you think.
Also, I would love to know how many people stop by for YTT. So please, come out of the shadows and let me know you are watching!
This week’s video is a serious one. One I had never seen before but makes so much sense. I feel like this when I see a bad BG reading on my machine. Let me know what you think?
This week’s entry comes from the City of Carson, California (A suburb of Los Angeles). This incident occurred at a city council meeting and the woman who was “attacked” claimed that she was “struck in the eye!”
What do you think?
I do not think the “attacker” should have done what she did BUT the reaction of the “victim” is the worst acting I have seen in a while!
This is a very short clip but I ended up watching about 20 times because it cracked me up. I hope I won't have to try and pull this one off any more.