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Last Tuesday I had an appointment with my Endocrinologist. I was looking forward to finding out my A1C and clearing the air about me having type 1 and not type 2. 

"Oh Mr. Simmons, I am sorry to inform you but your medical group has not approved your referral so we cannot see you today."

The voice on the other end of the phone was nice about it all but I was extremely irritated. 

"So now what do I do? I mean, I made this appointment 2 months ago? What am I supposed to do?"

She explained that my medical group is "behind" on things and that I should file a complaint. She also told me that many type 2's don't receive the approval for seeing specialists. 

I swear I did not say a cuss word or huck the phone at the point although I wanted to. 

"Ok, well can you tell me the results of the blood work I had? I want to know my A1C and the C-Peptide results."

"Sure. Can I just fax this over?"

I gave her my number and waited. 

The A1C came in at 8.0% which is not where I was hoping but much better than last time.

C-Peptide shows >.1 which means I am a type 1. HA!!!

And you know what I said???


Reader Comments (10)

I can't BELIEVE the problems you are having with your endo. So what did they say when you told them you were Type 1? That they would put you at the front of the referral line I hope! I just cannot believe the run around that office is giving you! Hang in there, and hope that things get better.

November 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTraci

That's insane.

I'm speechless otherwise.

November 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

What a bunch of turds dude. I can't remember all of the details we talked about with Jazz's insurance, but it might be time for a switch... I hate it though. It's always so much work. Major Suckage dude. I'm sorry.

November 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScott K. Johnsonnson

Seriously. An address. I need to punch someone.....

Love the picture at the end. So Hate that you are going through this. Such crap.

November 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCrystal

Well, at least you scored 1 victory here (on the type of diabetes you knew you had), but wouldn't it have been appropriate for the doctor's office to tell you about the insurance issue BEFORE you showed up to the office? Where I live, doctors offices charge "missed appointment fees" for not showing up to scheduled appointments, and you're at least entitled to $25 compensation for your inconvenience thanks to failure of the endo's office not communicating this before you showed up!!

November 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScott

I don't understand....

1.) How can they doubt you're Type 1? Are you an insulin-dependent diabetic???? That's obviously the sign you are, you know, an insulin-dependent diabetic and not someone whose pancreas partially produces insulin with the help of a pill.

2.) Diabetics are supposed to see endos, and even if you need a referral from a family doc or PCP, there's usually not much an insurance company or medical group can do to deny your seeing of a diabetic doctor for your diabetes.

Maybe these are just basics, but in my 25 years of having Type 1 and dealing with a handful of various PCPs and endos, I've NEVER had the problems you describe above.

Mike Hoskins

November 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMHoskins2179

ridiculous. absolutely. I would call your insurance and the physician and complain. ridiculous. I am with K2, who we gotta fight?

November 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercasey

Thanks for this post. I'm scheduled to see a new endo since changing insurance and my doctor moving to a new area. I guess I should find out if I need a referral or not since she's not with the same clinic group as my doctor. Gotta love insurance! :)

November 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAngie

It's ridiculous. I am not sure why my luck is so bad when it comes to doctors. I thought this one was going to work out but I am not going to deal with this much longer. I may just need to bite the bullet and start looking for a new endo.

November 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGeorge


8 isn't horrible. I freakin' cracked up at the cat that is the funniest shizz ever.

December 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergina

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